A Tribute to John M. Epley; Message from the Guest Editors
A Tribute to John M. Epley
Message from the Guest Editors
Dr. Epley was an otosurgeon and a pioneer in the cultivation of knowledge of Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo—BPPV. Dr. Epley developed the theory of canalolithiasis and laid the foundation for the nystagmus-guided approach to BPPV. Indeed, without citing and referring to the works of Dr. Epley, no-one is able to publish about BPPV. The purpose of this Special Issue is to promote the publication of articles on BPPV and, more broadly, on positional vertigo and the pathophysiology of the semicircular canals, taking inspiration from and recalling the works of Dr. Epley. I invite colleagues and scientists of international repute to submit original contributions to this Special Issue, especially those who personally knew Doctor Epley. The topics include but not limited to the following:
BPPV diagnosis; BPPV therapy; BPPV and related problems in rehabilitation; Positional vertigo and positional nystagmus; Residual dizziness post-maneuver in BPPV and rehabilitation; Cupula pathophysiology; Light/heavy cupula; Vestibular rehabilitation; Vestibular rehabilitation training
URL: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/audiolres/special_issues/SBNJ67LB33
国際医学雑誌Audiology researchから
John M. Epley医学博士を記念して記念集作成を応募します
URL: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/audiolres/special_issues/SBNJ67LB33